Individual issues

Having been published for more than fifty years by the CVR Press, this publication accompanies the principles and activities of our Centre. Article authors come from all geographic, historical, and religious backgrounds, yet share the same purpose: the awakening of our consciousness.

All of the journal issues that have been published since its creation are listed below. The few issues that are out of stock are currently being digitised and we will subsequently make them available for download. This allows you both to build a comprehensive collection, as well as recover any issues that you might have missed. It is also possible to set up an annual subscription to the Vedanta Journal, and automatically receive four editions per year.  

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Sales price: 1,50 €
Total discount:

Védanta n°021

"La Spiritualité Hindoue" par Swami Ritajananda"Le Pranayama" par Swami Ritajananda"Le Mantra" par Swami Ritajananda"La Maîtrise de Soi" par Swami Ritajananda

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Sales price: 1,50 €
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Védanta n°020

"Le Chemin de la Perfection" par Swami Ritajananda"Le Seigneur Jésus et nous" par Swami Ritajananda"Le Silence comme Discipline Spirituelle" par Swami Ritajananda"Le Mental et l'Expérience Spirituelle" par Swami Ritajananda

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Sales price: 1,50 €
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Védanta n°016

"Introduction à la Méditation" par Swami Ritajananda"Krishna" par Swami Vivekananda"La Religion Hindoue: Le Dharma" par Swami Ritajananda