Sarada Devi was born on 22 December 1853 in Jayrambati, a little village in Bengal, in northeast India.
Although betrothed at a very young age to Ramakrishna (in accordance with longstanding tradition), she did not join him until 1872. Her husband’s perpetual religious exaltation brought joy to Sarada, as this exaltation fulfilled her own aspirations. Their union remained chaste, but was nevertheless perfect: neither served the other, since both had devoted themselves to the realisation of the Supreme.
After Ramakrishna’s passing in 1886, his disciples spontaneously recognised Sarda as the most faithful and eminent witness of his message. Despite being venerated by all of them, she never lost her innate simplicity.
Sarada Devi left this world in 1920.
Her last words (which are recited before every meal at the ashram of Gretz) were: “if you seek peace of mind, do not see the faults of others—observe your own faults instead. Learn to consider that the whole universe is no different from yourself. No one is a stranger to you—the world and you are one.”